Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Few days ago, my friend came to me in a sudden, introduce me a new way for "his" goal.
It is something called "Quesnet", a new network marketing which will be conquer the new advertising world. He explained to me how the company works and how stable it is. Then he leads me to his "business" concept, basically the rules are:
1) Buy one of the company's product so that you can join into the club.
2) Start to invites your friends to "yam cha" and also introduce them and so on...
3) Start to balance the left and right wing of your human networking, thus each side is balance so that you can earn money...(what if it would never be balance??)..dead??
The theory of the company makes money is simple, the cheapest product of the company is cost us RM2000 while adding other pling plang stuff will make to RM2200.. Both side must be balance and 3 point at each side to earn my 1st 250USD...
In a normal math calculation, it takes all my friends RM13200 in total so that i earn my 1st 250USD??
What the......
I know that it might be a way of getting money if only you put your effort and become someone unlikely welcome among your friend...
Well, it depends how people judge it and see for his/her future plan..
But a sure thing for me that, this kind of work won't be suitable for me even i'm good at it...Cause it sounds like cheat to me...
I would rather use my professionality to earn my own money...
As a result...The AIM for me is studies....
It isn't sounds good....ish ish....

